Crazy Taxi is an already beloved arcade racing series, released on literally all gaming platforms, created by SEGA, which pleased the Android platform with its hit. The first part of the game was a classic arcade racer in which your task was to get passengers to the right place in the shortest possible time. Pressing on the gas, knocking down everything in your path, regardless of the rules and traffic lights, you rushed towards your cherished goal. Probably it was precisely such extreme gameplay, black humor and the ability to do with impunity something that in life you can’t just get away with in life. The game has captivated millions of gamers. Crazy Taxi City Rush is a continuation of the series, unlike the first part, the game has acquired pronounced elements of a runner and an even brighter arcade style, which certainly gave it dynamism, but somewhat changed the familiar and beloved gameplay. Apparently this approach of the developers is explained by the fact that the sequel will be released only on yeast-resistant devices. The graphics, as in all games from SEGA, are simply excellent, the controls are simple and intuitive, and as for the gameplay, everyone can form their own opinion about it.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 78.82 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newTake part in holiday events to win prizes, including the Fireball!It's snowing in Bay CityDrive with the help of Santa or his Elf helperUse the keys to the Mysterious Trunk to get to his treasure nowComplete goals to get extra bucks, diamonds and new clientsGoals help beginners and represent challenges for experienced playersUpdate history-----
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