The Green Infeo Survival is an unusual tower defense, based on the film by Eli Roth. A group of students goes on a journey through the Amazon. Their main goal is to save an endangered tribe, the indigenous inhabitants of the jungle. However, a plane crash disrupts their plans and they are left alone in the center of the jungle, where they become hostages to a cannibal tribe, those whom they were trying to protect and save. Repel the onslaught of cannibals approaching you by placing traps and obstacles in their path. Move icons along the path of enemies to slow them down or kill them. In extreme situations, you can use special bonuses. You will find 10 levels of challenging gameplay, quick decisions and genuine strategy, as well as more than 20 achievements.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 31.22 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad Supportwow rummyNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history---- -
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